Monday 24 November 2014

Some common Definitions and Terminologies

Some common Definitions and Terminologies

1. Abstinence: Non-use of a specific substance. In recovery, non-use of any addictive psychoactive substance. May also denote cessation of addictive behavior, such as gambling, over-eating, etc.

2. Abuse: Harmful use of a specific psychoactive substance. Term also applies to one category of psychoactive substance use disorder. ASAM recommends this term not be used, because of perjorative connotations.

3. Addiction: A disease process characterized by the continued use of a specific psychoactie subsance despite physical, psychological, or social harm.

4. Blackout: Acute antegrade amnesia with no formation of long-term memory, resulting from the ingestion of alcohol or other drugs; i.e. a period of memory loss for which there is no recall of activities.
5. Dependence: (term utilized in three ways)
a. Psychological Dependence-a profound emotional need for the repetitive use of a particular drug or class of drugs.
b. Physical Dependence-a state of altered cellular physiology caused by repetitive use of a drug which may, as a result of acute or gradual withdrawal, precipitate a characteristic abstinence syndrome.
c. one category of psychoactive substance use disorder.

6. Detoxification: a process of withdrawing a person from a specific psychoactive substance in a safe and effective manner.
7. Enabling: Any action by another person or an institution that intentionally or unintentionally has the effect of facilitating the continuation of an individual's addictive process.
8. Impairment: A dysfunctional state resulting from useof psychoactive substances.
9. Intervention: a planned intervention with an individual who may be dependent on one or more psychoactive substances, with the aim of making a full assessment, overcoming denial, interrupting drug-taking behavior, or inducing the individual to initiate treatment. The preferred technique is to present facts regarding psychoactive substance use in a caring, believable and understandable manner.
10. Legalization: Removal of legal restrictions on the cultivation, manufacture, distribution, possession and/or use of a psychoactive substance.
11. Loss of Control: The inability to consistently limit the self-administration of psychoactive substances.
12. Misuse: Any use of a prescription drug that varies from accepted medical practice.
13. Problem Drinking: An informal term describing a pattern of drinking associated with life problems prior to establishing a definitive diagnosis of alcoholism.
14. Recovery: A process of overcoming both physical nd psychological dependence on a psychoactive substance, with a commitment to sobriety.
15. Tolerance: State in which an increased dosage of a psychoactive substance is needed to produce a desired effect.
16. Withdrawal Syndrome: the onset of a predictable constellation of signs and symptoms following the abrupt discontinuation of, or rapid decrease in, dosage of a psychoactive substance.


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